About ELA


The European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA) is an independent association, with its head office in Antwerp.

Education and the Law is the motto of the Association. Education law means constructing, block by block, the foundation that will support educational rights in all nations and for all peoples and individuals. The importance of the law notwithstanding, its members are aware of the relative value of each legal principle, whether it is founded on a convention or on some other legal source. ELA aims to encourage progress in educational rights by promoting the right to education as a right, by elaborating education law as a discipline and by actively supporting every serious effort made toward the gradual and progressive codification of educational rights and educational legislation.

Education and education law have traditionally been matters of national interest.

However, during the last decades the increasing mobility of students and staff has given rise to a growing interest in the education systems of other countries.

At the same time, education systems throughout Europe (and elsewhere) have been confronted with major problems, such as the integration of minorities into the education system, budget cuts and so on.

In line with the European Union’s aim to develop a European Education Policy, those confronted with such problems are increasingly looking to other education systems for solutions. There is therefore a growing need for information and debate on such issues, which the European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA) seeks to address.

In response to these challenges, leading European Professors (in education law, constitutional law and international law) and educational policy makers founded, in December 1993, the European Association for Education Law and Policy.

Housed at the University of Antwerp, ELA is a university-wide association, drawing upon faculty, staff and researchers from all over Europe, the Russian Federation, South Africa and the United States.

Recently, ELA has been opened to other disciplines in order to bridge the gaps between disciplines, pulling together top minds who, in collaboration with colleagues throughout the world, are looking for solutions and cross-disciplinary approaches to the challenges posed by contemporary development and changes in education.

ELA Board 

The Board  is responsible for approving and for controlling the Association’s policy and work programme. Members of the board are:






The International Journal for Education Law and Policy, previously the European Journal for Education Law and Policy, published by Kluwer Law International, provides a critical review of contemporary developments in education law. It combines analysis, commentary and documentation on national education legislation and European and international developments in education. The Journal gives high priority to articles, which provide a comparative perspective and offer a link between law and policy issues. Apart from scholarly articles reviewing the implementation of and new developments in educational legislation at the national, regional, European, and international levels, IJELP features special thematic reports and contains special country reports.

The articles are subject to peer review by independent referees.

Published on behalf of the European Association for Education Law and Policy, in cooperation with US-ELA, SAELPA (South African Education Law and Policy Association), LEAGUE OF EDUCATION LAW (Russian Federation), ANZELA (Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association), CAPSLE (Canadian Association of the Practical Study of Law in Education), with the support of UNESCO and supra-national and international organizations.

General Editor

Managing Editors

Editorial Board

Editorial Council

Published by

Wolf Legal Publishers (WLP)




